I CREATE Content that stands out.

Differentiate — engage — scale

• About

Mel Loebel is a creative specialist based in Berlin. A highly creative and innovative professional with a passion for digital design, illustrations, and AI-based content.
"With a deep understanding of the latest design trends and emerging technologies, I specialize in creating visually stunning and engaging experiences that blend artistic aesthetics with sometime cutting-edge AI-driven solutions. Leveraging my expertise in digital design, classic techniques, and AI, I am dedicated to delivering exceptional results and pushing the boundaries of creative expression."

Mel’s specialization includes illustration, video & web content, print media, editorial content, Web3, AI content, digital creation, advertising, and marketing.

She also creates websites using platforms like Webflow, WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and more.

Clients: Mercedes-Benz, Viacom, Funke Digital, McFit, RSG Group, Sony Music, 20th Century Fox, Rewe Group, RTL Group, TNT, Cathay Pacific Airways, Berlinale, Berlin Fashion Week, Premium Messe, Toyota, Mazda, Siemens, Deutsche Telekom, Bayer, Rolls Royce, Esprit, McArthurGlen Group, Vero Moda
...and many more

Landhochzeit Berlin
Mel Loebel District MTV


Whether it's traditional content or AI-generated,
I create designs from web to print. Fast, uncomplicated, and versatile.
I build loyal communities and leave them hungry for more!

Ob traditioneller Content oder künstlich generierter Content - ich erstelle Designs von Web bis Print. Schnell, unkompliziert und vielseitig. Das Ziel? - treue Communities aufbauen und den Hunger nach mehr wecken!

Video content

Do you need videos and motion graphics for web and social media? I can create content or plan and oversee the production process.

Sie brauchen Videos und Bewegtbilder für Web und Social Media? Ich erstelle Content oder plane und begleite die Produktion.


Which direction should the journey take? What goals should be achieved within which timeframe? Strategic planning with creative and individual concepts!

In welche Richtung soll die Reise gehen? Welche Ziele sollen in welchem Zeitrahmens erreicht werden? Strategische Planung aber mit kreativen und individuellen Konzepten!

Branding & Copywriting

Are you looking for traditional brand building? Or traditional editorial work? I have extensive experience in both fields. As for texts, would you prefer them to be traditional or AI-generated?

Klassische Markenbildung gewünscht?
Oder klassische redaktionelle Arbeit? In beiden Themenfelder bin ich sehr erfahren. Texte? Klassisch oder AI generiert.

Social media Posts