Designed and executed educational events tailored to HR professionals, targeting audiences of over 300 attendees.

Highly motivated professional with extensive experience in organizing and managing educational events for larger groups. Seeking a challenging position at Mercedes-Benz where I can utilize my expertise in creating impactful and engaging HR-focused educational events for audiences exceeding 300 attendees.

I specialize in creating AI-generated content for marketing purposes and internal communications.

Additionally for the HR department and the future development team.

Hochmotiviert und mit umfangreicher Erfahrung in der Organisation und Leitung von Bildungsveranstaltungen für größere Gruppen. Meine Expertise konnte ich in der Erstellung wirkungsvoller und ansprechender HR-fokussierter Bildungsveranstaltungen für eine Teilnehmerzahl von über 300 Personen einbringen.

Ausserdem habe ich mich auf die Erstellung von KI-generierten Inhalten für Marketingzwecke und interne Kommunikation spezialisiert. Zusätzlich für die HR-Abteilung und das Zukunftsentwicklungsteam.

Summary of Qualifications:

  • Demonstrated success in designing and executing educational events targeting HR professionals.
  • Proven ability to effectively manage and coordinate all aspects of event planning, including logistics, budgeting, and vendor management.
  • Strong organizational and project management skills, ensuring seamless execution of events within defined timelines.
  • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, adept at building relationships with stakeholders and engaging diverse audiences.
  • In-depth understanding of HR industry trends, challenges, and best practices, enabling me to create relevant and impactful educational content.
  • Proficient in utilizing technology and multimedia tools to enhance event experiences and facilitate interactive learning.


  • AI generated Content
  • Marketing presentations
  • inhouse communication material
  • Event Planning and Management
  • Budgeting and Financial Management
  • Content Development and Delivery
  • Multimedia and Technology Integration
  • Project Coordination
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication and Presentation Skills

Key Achievements:

  • Successfully organized and executed an annual HR Leadership Summit, attracting over 300 HR professionals and receiving positive feedback for its engaging content and seamless execution.
  • Developed and implemented an innovative gamification strategy during an HR conference, resulting in increased attendee participation and knowledge retention.

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